.. _pandat_htc_point-label: Generate an Table of Alloy Compositions for HTC in Pandat GUI ============================================================= This example demonstrates how to use **PanPython SDK** to generate a table of alloy compositions (configuration file) which can be loaded from Pandat GUI for HTC. About point HTC -------------------- Point HTC allows a user to perform calculations for numerous compositions and/or temperatures in the user-defined state space by a simple setting. Alloy compositions and/or temperatures that satisfy user-defined criteria can then be discovered through data mining of the simulated results. Step-by-step guide ------------------ .. note:: A video guide will be available very soon. 1. Open the demo folder "*/Solution Examples/panhtc_interface/*" from PyCharm IDE. See :ref:`installation-label` to setup the IDE environment. 2. Build a task script An example script *parallel_htc_points.py* has already been include. Following the steps the create your script: Import packages .. code-block:: python import os from panpython.system import System from panpython.task.htc import HtcMesh Setup working folders and input files: .. code-block:: python dir_name = os.path.abspath(__file__) file_name = os.path.basename(__file__) task_path = dir_name[:-len(file_name)] dump_path = os.path.join(task_path, "output") batch_file = os.path.join(task_path, 'resource', 'Point_Al-Mg-Si_400C.pbfx') config_file = os.path.join(task_path, 'resource', 'Input_point.JSON')