Parallel High-Throughput Precipitation Calculation (HTC)¶
This example demonstrates how to use PanPython SDK to perform parallel high-throughput precipitation simulations concurrently.
About precipitation HTC¶
Precipitation HTC allows a user to perform simulations for numerous compositions/heat treatments in the user-defined state space by a simple setting. Alloy compositions and heat treatment conditions that satisfy user-defined criteria can then be identified through data mining of the simulated results.
Four types of precipitation HTC are discussed here:
Continuous cooling: Configuration file of continuous cooling
Isothermal: Configuration file of isothermal
Heat treatment condition files: Configuration file of loading heat treatment files
Changing both composition and heat treatment: Configuration file of mixing composition and heat treatment
Post-processing and visualization of a HTC result are discussed in Post-Processing of data from Precipitation HTC.
Step-by-step guide¶
A video guide will be available very soon.
- Open the demo folder
“/Solution Examples/precipitation_htc_defined_cooling/” from PyCharm IDE. See Installation to setup the IDE environment.
- Build a task script
An example script has already been include. Following the steps the create your script:
- Import packages
import os import socket import multiprocessing as mp from panpython.system import System from import HtcMesh
- Setup Pandat.exe path:
pandat = "YOUR_PATH_TO_PANDAT_EXE/Pandat.exe"
- Setup working folders and input files:
dir_name = os.path.abspath(__file__) file_name = os.path.basename(__file__) task_path = dir_name[:-len(file_name)] dump_path = os.path.join(task_path, "output_htc") batch_file = os.path.join(task_path, "resource", "AA6xxx_6005_original.pbfx") config_file = os.path.join(task_path, "resource", "Input_precipitation.json")
The calculation type is set in Input_precipitation.json:
{ "Type": "precipitation", }
The calculation type in the batch file template must be consistent with this type, or an exception will be raised:
<calculation name="AA6xxx_6005_precipitation" type="precipitation">
The tdb and kdb file is set in the batch file template AA6xxx_6005_original.pbfx:
<databases> <database type="kdb" file_name="AA6xxx_original.kdb"/> <database type="tdb" file_name="AlMgSi.tdb"/> </databases>
- Set thread(s) number:
################# # set thread number # note: if your number is bigger than system capability, the number will set to max # available thread number on your system thread_number: int = 4 print('>> Max thread number on machine: ', socket.gethostname(), ' is ', mp.cpu_count()) if thread_number > mp.cpu_count(): thread_number = mp.cpu_count() print('>> Thread number is set to ', thread_number)
- Initialize the HTC task instance:
################# m_system = System(pandat=pandat, dump_path=dump_path) ################## m_system.add_task(task_definition=HtcMesh(batch_file=batch_file, config_file=config_file, thread_num=thread_number))
- Run HTC task instance in multi-thread mode:
################## if __name__ == '__main__': mp.freeze_support() # required to run multi-thread
- Run the script
After the HTC is finished, generated tables/files are ready to use. See Inputs and outputs of this HTC task for details.
Inputs and outputs of this HTC task¶
The following figure displays inputs and outputs of this HTC task.
- File structure
The follow diagram displays the file structure used by this HTC task:
|- output # outputs
| |- intermediate
| | |- *.dat # Result Tables in csv format
| | └─ *.table # Result Tables
| |
| |- failed_calculation.json # Record of failed calculations
| └─ task_id.txt # Condition Dictionary
└─ resource # inputs
|- AlMgSi.tdb # Database to be used by HTC calculation
|- AA6xxx_original.kdb # Kinetic Database to be used by HTC calculation
|- Input_precipitation.json # A Config. file (JSON) defining an HTC mesh grid
|- cooling_curve.txt # An input cooling curve file
|- cooling_curve_general.txt # An input cooling curve file
└─ AA6xxx_6005_original.pbfx # A template of batch file used calculation
- Inputs
The input files are under /resource folder.
Config. file: A JSON file defining an HTC mesh grid. The file name is /resource/Input_precipitation.json. See Configuration file of continuous cooling, Configuration file of isothermal, Configuration file of loading heat treatment files and Configuration file of mixing composition and heat treatment for details
Database: A .tdb or .pdb file and a .kdb file to be used by HTC calculation. The file name is /resource/*.tdb or /resource/*.pdb and /resource/*.kdb.
Batch file: A template of batch file used for Pandat calculations in HTC. The file name is /resource/*.pbfx.
- Outputs
The output files are under /output folder.
Result Tables: The original tables from Pandat. The tables are stored under /output/intermediate/ folder.
Record of HTC conditions: A JSON-styled dictionary containing all calculation conditions of HTC. The file name is output/task_id.txt.
Failed Calculations: a record of failed calculations. The file name is output/failed_calculation.txt.
Configuration file of continuous cooling¶
One of the input files. The file name is /resource/Input_precipitation.json.
In this example, the following continuous cooling is defined by the configuration file:
staring temperature: 500 C
ending temperature: 100 C
cooling rate (HTC mesh): form 1 C/hour to 10 C/hour, mesh grid size is 1 C/hour
An example of Config. file as an input to HTC:
"Type": "precipitation",
"Units": {
"n": "w%",
"T": "C",
"time": "hour"
"Mode": "default",
"thermal_history_mesh": {
"mesh": {
"description": "continuous cooling",
"start_T": {
"start": 500,
"end": 500,
"step size": 0
"cooling_rate": {
"start": 1,
"end": 10,
"step size": 1,
"end_T": 100
The keys of the JSON file is defined in the following table:
Calculation type of Pandat
Units following Pandat’s convention
Set of multiple grids of heat treatment conditions defined in JSON format
A grid of heat treatment conditions
Thermal treatment method related to this grid
A grid of Starting temperature
A grid of Cooling rate (its unit follows the units defined by “Units” key)
The properties of each key’s value is defined in the following table:
Starting value of a grid
Ending value of a grid
step size
Step size of grid
Ending temperature used to calculate cooling duration
Configuration file of isothermal¶
One of the input files. The file name is /resource/Input_precipitation.json.
In this example, the following isothermal condition is defined by the configuration file:
isothermal temperature (HTC mesh): form 100 C to 200 C, mesh grid size is 10 hour
isothermal duration: 100 hours
An example of Config. file as an input to HTC:
"Type": "precipitation",
"Units": {
"n": "w%",
"T": "C",
"time": "hour"
"Mode": "default",
"thermal_history_mesh": {
"mesh": {
"description": "isothermal",
"start_T": {
"start": 100,
"end": 200,
"step size": 20
"cooling_rate": {
"start": 0,
"end": 0,
"step size": 0,
"end_time": 100
The keys of the JSON file is defined in the following table:
Calculation type of Pandat
Units following Pandat’s convention
Set of multiple grids of heat treatment conditions defined in JSON format
A grid of heat treatment conditions
Thermal treatment method related to this grid
A grid of Starting temperature
A grid of Cooling rate (its unit follows the units defined by “Units” key)
The properties of each key’s value is defined in the following table:
Starting value of a grid
Ending value of a grid
step size
Step size of grid
Duration of isothermal condition
Configuration file of loading heat treatment files¶
One of the input files. The file name is /resource/Input_precipitation.json.
In this example, customized thermal condition from input files is defined by the configuration file:
Cooling curves share time node: /resource/cooling_curve.txt
Each cooling curve has its own time node: /resource/cooling_curve_general.txt
An example of Config. file as an input to HTC:
"Type": "precipitation",
"Units": {
"n": "w%",
"T": "C",
"time": "hour"
"Mode": "default",
"thermal_history_file": {
"cooling_curve 1": "cooling_curve.txt",
"cooling_curve 2": "cooling_curve_general.txt"
The keys of the JSON file is defined in the following table:
Calculation type of Pandat
Units following Pandat’s convention
A set of multiple files that define cooling curves
The properties of each key’s value is defined in the following table:
cooling_curve 1
A file defining a set of cooling curves
cooling_curve 2
A file defining a set of cooling curves
A set of cooling curves sharing time nodes are defined in cooling_curve.txt as (Emphasized lines are units of corresponding columns):
time P100 P105 P110 P115 P120 P125 P130 P135 P140 P145 P150 P155 P160 P165 P170 P175 P180 P185 P190 P195 P200 P205 P210
hour C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C
0 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210
100 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210
101 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320
A set of cooling curves where each curve has its own time nodes are defined in cooling_curve_general.txt as (Emphasized lines are units of corresponding columns):
time_0 T_0 time_1 T_1 time_2 T_2 time_3 T_3
hour C hour C hour C hour C
0 100 0 105 0 110 0 115
100 100 100 105 100 110 100 115
101 100 101 110 101 130
200 110 102 140
110 150
200 150
Configuration file of mixing composition and heat treatment¶
One of the input files. The file name is /resource/Input_precipitation.json.
In this example,
Combined heat treatment mesh: Continuous cooling, isothermal, and input files are combined into a mega heat treatment mesh
Add composition (HTC mesh): HTC mesh dimension contains both heat treatment and composition
Each cooling curve has its own time node: /resource/cooling_curve_general.txt
An example of Config. file as an input to HTC:
"Type": "precipitation",
"Units": {
"n": "w%",
"T": "C",
"time": "hour"
"Mode": "default",
"Al": {
"start": 0,
"end": 100,
"step size": -1
"Mg": {
"start": 10,
"end": 50,
"step size": 20
"Si": {
"start": 10,
"end": 10,
"step size": 0
"thermal_history_file": {
"cooling_curve 1": "cooling_curve.txt",
"cooling_curve 2": "cooling_curve_general.txt"
"thermal_history_mesh": {
"mesh 1": {
"description": "isothermal",
"start_T": {
"start": 100,
"end": 200,
"step size": 20
"cooling_rate": {
"start": 0,
"end": 0,
"step size": 0,
"end_time": 100
"mesh 2": {
"description": "continuous cooling",
"start_T": {
"start": 500,
"end": 500,
"step size": 0
"cooling_rate": {
"start": 1,
"end": 10,
"step size": 1,
"end_T": 100
The keys of the JSON file related to composition mesh is defined in the following table:
Calculation type of Pandat
Units following Pandat’s convention
A grid of Aluminum composition
A grid of Magnesium composition
A grid of Silicon composition
The properties of each key’s value related to composition mesh is defined in the following table:
Starting value of a grid
Ending value of a grid
step size
Step size of grid; If its key is an element and set -1, its key is the balance element
Keys and properties related to heat treatment mesh are explained in Configuration file of continuous cooling, Configuration file of isothermal and Configuration file of loading heat treatment files.
Record of HTC conditions¶
One of the output files. The file name is output/task_id.txt.
A JSON-styled dictionary containing all calculation conditions of HTC. An example of Condition Dictionary as an output from HTC:
"mesh_2_0": {
"thermal_history": [
"mesh_2_1": {
"thermal_history": [
Keys of the JSON file is the id of a calculation. Properties of the calculation include all the keys from Config. file.